This comp uses a 7 Rebel team with Illaoi as your main focus. The goal is to reach level 8 early in Stage 4 to find 4 and 5 cost units before your opponents. You generally need long win or losestreaks to have enough gold for it.
Team Code
Click Here to Copy Team Code 0119012D110F3E182C1B00TFTSet13 to Clipboard.
This comp uses a 7 Rebel team with Illaoi as your main focus. The goal is to reach level 8 early in Stage 4 to find 4 and 5 cost units before your opponents. You generally need long win or losestreaks to have enough gold for it.
Team Code
Click Here to Copy Team Code 0119012D110F103E181B00TFTSet13 to Clipboard.