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We conducted an in-depth analysis of to bring you this comprehensive infographic. Our goal was to capture key insights and trends, showcasing valuable data to help you better understand the gaming landscape.

The ranking criteria are based on two key metrics: specialization popularity*** and HPS* output. Specializations are grouped and ranked as follows:

  1. S Tier: Specializations with popularity*** greater than 100 / number of specializations and HPS* equal to or above 90% of the highest HPS* across all specializations. Within this group, rankings are determined by HPS*.
  2. A Tier: Specializations with popularity*** greater than (100 / number of specializations) × 0.7 and HPS* equal to or above 70% of the highest HPS*.
  3. B Tier: Specializations with popularity*** greater than (100 / number of specializations) × 0.5 and HPS* equal to or above 50% of the highest HPS*.
  4. C Tier: Specializations with popularity*** greater than (100 / number of specializations) × 0.3 and HPS* equal to or above 30% of the highest HPS*.
  5. D Tier: All other specializations fall into this category.

* For each completed raid or dungeon** (where at least one boss was defeated), we calculated the total healing done in each boss encounter and divided it by the total time spent in these encounters.

** The data is sourced from player logs (patches 11.1.*), focusing on characters with an item level of 637. It includes the total number of Mythic+ or Raid runs in which at least one boss was defeated.

*** Popularity is calculated as (Number of Mythic+ or Raid runs** for a specific specialization / total number of Mythic+ or Raid runs**) × 100.

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Unlock Your Gaming Potential with SeeMeta's Tier Lists for 193+ Games